Here's an interesting article from The Mail Online, detailing some of the more ridiculous reasons why we in Britain should pay £682 million to the EU in which we have been forced to join.
From The Mail Online
Waste of space? The European Parliament in Brussels, which has approved spending on a catalogue of controversial projects
- A zoo in Hannover was given £6million to recreate the Canadian Yukon in Germany, shipping over maple trees, wolves and caribou.
- A DVD show case would've dented our wallets less.
- £350,000 for a dog fitness centre, including a hydrotherapy system, in Hungary. It was never built.
- no comment needed, as it's so blatantly preposterous!
- £4.5million on a fleet of limousines for Strasbourg MEPs in 2009 alone. All chauffeurs were asked to sign a form ‘guaranteeing absolute discretion’.
- Tell the MEPs to keep their mouths shut & call them a taxi.
- £430,000 to two Swedish fishermen to scrap their boat due to overfishing. They took the money and bought a new boat 5cm shorter than the regulatory maximum of ten metres.
- I'm sorry, but they should have seen that one coming from a nautical mile away!
- The King of Sweden got £1.4million in subsidies for a farm estate he leases in the south east of the country.
I guess he must have been a bit short on cash.
- £6.5million on a PR campaign to promote EU funding in Andalucia.
That's a bit like saying 'lets throw some money at it, then we can throw even more money at it'
- EU bureaucrats in Luxembourg can benefit from a £4.4million ‘culture club’ building which includes a restaurant and a range of social clubs.
I wonder if the'll let you & me in?
- £350,000 to the British ‘Flying Gorillas’ dance troupe whose speciality is the ‘Smelly Foot dance’.
Looks like we're going to need an industrial size odour eaters for this one.
- £2.2million to an Austrian nomadic contemporary dance troupe.
How about we stick £50 in the kitty & get some morris dancers in, that's a saving of £2,199,950!!
- £10.3million on a recycling plant in north west Spain. A fraud inquiry has been launched over claims that two thirds of the waste is buried in landfill.
What a load of rubbish! (yeah yeah, I know)
- The European ‘hip hop laboratory’ in Lyon was given £43,000.
Those baseball hats turned round the wrong way don't pay for themselves you know!
- £14,000 on a grant to farmers in the Austrian region of Tyrol to ‘boost their emotional connection with the landscape they cultivate’.
Go on, give a tree a hug, you can bloomin well afford to now!
- £8million annual cost of EuroparlTV, a channel highlighting the work of MEPs. It has 830,000 daily viewers.
highlighting the work of MEPs but ignoring all those numerous 'closed door criminal unelected policy/law making meetings'
- £780,0000 on the development of a luxury golf course, hotel and spa. Strelasund golf park in Germany costs £950 a year to join but its expansion has not led to the creation of new jobs.
Looks like they should have taken a Mulligan on that one.
- £38,000 on cocktail parties to celebrate Europe Day on May 9 in Madrid, Vienna, Marseilles, Lisbon, Sofia and Chad’s capital N’Djamena.
Europe day? not heard of that..
- £4,300 on the design of a cartoon character – Eurogaloppe – to teach children in the German state of Lower Saxony about the workings of the EU.
I'd have done it for a fiver! My character would've been a sprout, wearing a top hat & cloak, holding a champaign class in one hand & a lit cigar made out of the Magna Carta in the other.
So why are we allowing these anti-democratic people to get away with it? Sure, David Cameron says he's going to veto the, so lets hope he's more successful than last years demand for it to be frozen resulting in a 2.9 increase!
Mr Cameron would do well to remember that the British people haven't had a say about our EU membership & shouldn't be expected to foot the bill for this kind of lEUnacy. As we're still having to suffer austerity measures, perhaps we could help by either getting rid all unessential EU non jobs (& there's a lot of them) or evan better get out of the EU all together & save the UK Billions.
Original article