Tuesday, 28 February 2012


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Migrants queue for food in Calais

Tuesday February 28,2012
By Peter Allen in Paris and Anil Dawar
 Have your say(42)
THE refusal by France and Belgium to close a Eurostar loophole where illegal migrants flood into the UK for under £70 has caused fury among British politicians.
Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall accused the countries of continuing to allow migrants entry in order to “get rid of people they don’t want”.
Answers are being demanded after a formal request by the Government in December for high-speed railway operators to stop selling tickets from Brussels to Lille in northern France was turned down.
Because both the Belgian cap­ital and France are covered by the Schengen Agreement – which allows borderless travel within certain European countries – passengers do not have to show their passports on the route.
Under the so-called Lille Loophole, anyone can stay on the train when it reaches Lille and travel on to London, where they can claim asylum or disappear into the black economy.
Ukip MEP Mr Nuttall said: “France and Belgium talk about solidarity the whole time but to them solidarity is a one-way street working in their favour. It suits these people to keep the loophole open. It is clearly not in their interest to help Britain close down this drain because it is a convenient way for them to get rid of people they don’t want.”
France and Belgium talk about solidarity the whole time but to them solidarity is a one-way street working in their favour
Ukip MEP Mr Nuttall
Conservative MP and Home Affairs Select Committee member James Clappison said: “This loophole is an issue that needs a comprehensive answer.
“We need to have some way of having the same border controls that everyone else has. One would hope that in the spirit of European co-operation France and Belgium would understand.”
Keith Vaz MP, Select Committee chairman, called for the UK Border Agency to vet passengers before they arrived in the UK.
He said: “Border security loopholes must be closed if Britain is to attempt to control immig­ration flows. The Government is taking a very casual approach to this very serious issue.


“Four months have now passed since the loophole was uncovered. I am extremely concerned that it remains open.
“If the French and Belgian governments continue to refuse to close the loophole the UK Border Agency should place border staff on every train to identify those seeking to enter the UK illegally.” A Belgian diplomatic source based in Paris said his Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo was “completely opposed to the British wish to end high-speed cross-Channel trains stopping at Lille”.
The source said Mr Di Rupo had spoken to French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister Francois Fillon about the issue, and both supported him.
The source said the Lille Loophole was also discussed at this month’s bilateral Anglo-French summit attended by Prime Minister David Cameron and Mr Sarkozy in Paris, but the French would not budge on the issue.
In Lille, no one checks whether passengers get off the train from Brussels, so they can continue their journey to London.
There are no passport checks for the vast majority of Eurostar travellers arriving at London’s St Pancras station, meaning illegal entry into the UK is relatively easy.
The cheapest-advertised Euro­star fare from Brussels to London is £69, with the journey taking just under two hours. A UK Border Agency (UKBA) report leaked last year to the BBC highlighted the problems caused by the loophole.
One UKBA officer said he stopped two Iranians at Brussels because they “bore all the hallmarks of Lille Loopholers”.
But when Belgian police were called, one told the UKBA staff: “This has got to stop. You are not in Britain now, you are in Schengen. If they [the Iranians] make a complaint, you will be arrested.”
There have been further clashes between Belgian police and UKBA officers, leading to most security staff now turning a blind eye to the “Loopholers”.
A Home Office spokesman said: “While discussions are continuing we have strict British immig­ration controls in place in France and Belgium for those travelling to the UK.
“French rail security officers are also conducting additional checks on board trains to ensure passengers are correctly doc­umented for the UK, and we have more officers at St Pancras to stop those attempting to enter the UK illegally.”

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