Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Story ImageKENNETH Clarke faced a furious backlash last night after dismissing calls for a referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union as “irrelevant and silly”.
In a provocative swipe at the Tory Right, the Justice Secretary and veteran europhile rubbished supporters of a nationwide poll on Britain’s links with Brussels as “a few extreme nationalists”.
His astonishing outburst in a live radio rant was seen as an insult to more than 370,000 Daily Express readers who have backed this newspaper’s crusade for the UK to quit the EU.
Mr Clarke also admitted the Tories would lose a snap general election if one were held today and confessed to being surprised that the Coalition was not more unpopular than recent opinion polls suggest.
He spoke out amid growing expectations from Tory MPs that David Cameron will come out in favour of an EU referendum by the next election.
Interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Mr Clarke dismissed claims that backing an EU referendum could help revive Tory fortunes. “It’s a complete non sequitur,” he said. “A referendum on our membership of the EU is an irrelevance.”
He added: “It is the demand of a few Right-wing journalists and a few extreme nationalist politicians. I cannot think of anything sillier to do than to hold a referendum.
“It would settle nothing with the more frenzied Eurosceptics, who keep believing that European bogies are under the bed.
“I think the nation is a bit Eurosceptic. The nation is extremely worried about present events, as well we might be. We all feel insecure, we’re hoping strong government will take us through, and some difficult measures are required.”
Last night Mr Clarke repeated his claims, telling Channel 4 News: “To actually start going on about a referendum now is a useless irrelevance.
“I just think if people heard the British were now going to indulge themselves in a three-week campaign about whether or not they were going to stay members of the EU, people would start thinking ‘the British are just like the Greeks – what are they going to do next?’”
Downing Street officials rejected his stance last night and refused to rule out an EU referendum.
A source close to David Cameron said: “Ken’s views on Europe are well known and he always expresses them in a colourful way.
“The manifesto for 2015 has not been written. We’re focused on dealing with the deficit and getting growth into the economy.” Tory backbencher Peter Bone savaged Mr Clarke’s comments as an “insult” to Daily Express readers.
“If Ken Clarke is so sure that Daily Express readers are in the minority on this question, why doesn’t he agree to a referendum so we can see whether it is his view or that of Daily Express readers which is truly popular,” said Mr Bone.
A Commons Transport Select Committee yesterday warned new EU rules on pilots’ flying hours risk “jeopardising safety”. They accused it of planning to lower Britain’s standards by pursuing a “lowest common denominator” approach to harmonise rules across the EU.

Thank you Mr Clarke you actions I'm sure will aid the popularity & recruitment of UKIP who are currently swelling with disgruntled Tory members & voters.

Maintaining a pro EU stance is shear insanity, with unelected bureaucrats running our country from abroad, mismanagement of countless taxes, British sovereignty given away on a silver platter & clear links to Agenda 21, JUST WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON MR CLARKE!

One things for certain, it isn't the British peoples! 

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