Wednesday, 30 May 2012


KEN CLARKE provoked fury today after he claimed that Britain did not need a referendum on the EU.
The Justice Secretary claimed that there was little public demand for an in-out vote and insisted that voters were not as deeply eurosceptic as critics of Brussels suggest.

The Tory cabinet minister claimed that the MPs who have been calling for a referendum were 'a few extreme nationalist politicians.'

The comment provoked outrage among Tory backbenchers who have been increasing pressure on the Prime Minister to promise a referendum in a bid to escape the grips of Brussels.

Dozens have signed up to the People's Pledge campaign, which is staging votes around the country to gauge support - with the first showing 89.9 per cent in favour. But Mr Clarke, among the most pro-European Tories, said it was a "ridiculous" idea that would do nothing the end the complaints of "frenzied" eurosceptics.

Asked if he accepted that voters were deeply eurosceptic, he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "The nation is a bit eurosceptic.

"The nation is extremely worried about present events, as well we might be. We all feel insecure, we all feel worried, we are hoping that a strong government will take us through and some difficult measures are required.

"The idea that they are all demanding a referendum on the European Union would be regarded as ridiculous, it would be out of sight as a public priority.

"It is the demand of a few right-wing journalists and a few extreme nationalist politicians."

Mr Clarke also added that if there was an election now the Tories would not win the vote.

Mr Clarke expressed surprise that the coalition was not even more unpopular than it was.

"I have seen, mid-term, much greater turmoil than this. I've been in governments having much more trouble than this.

"Actually I am amazed that the Government is retaining the support it is," he said.

"There is not a government in Western Europe could win an election at the moment because strong governments have to do unpopular things.

"It's a credit to the public actually - they realise we have to do unpopular things."

A referendum would "throw absolute confusion" over the UK's involvement in the EU, undermining efforts to retain the faith of the markets in the economy, he suggested.

"I can't think of anything sillier to do."

After the last referendum - in 1975 - opponents of the EU immediately ignored the "yes" result, he said.

"It would settle nothing. Particularly it would settle nothing with the more frenzied eurosceptics who keep believing that European bogies are under the bed."

Poor old deluded Ken, Pro EU propaganda that even the most staunch EU supporter wouldn't believe.


MORE than two thirds of grassroots Tories want Britain to quit the European Union, an opinion poll revealed last night.
Story ImageThe survey found that 70 per cent of Conservative Party members are in favour of cutting all ties with Brussels.
In a stark message to the Prime Minister on the strength of Euroscepticism in his party, four out of five Tories want an EU referendum pledge in the next election manifesto. Nearly half want this to be an all in-or-out option.
The website ConservativeHome carried out the poll for Channel 4 News.

Come on lets have another one of honest Dave's 'cast iron' guarantees to give us a referendum, as long as the 'time is right' & the Bilderberg group say it's OK.

 do the decent thing Tories, join UKIP, there are more Conservative values there now anyway!


Story ImageKENNETH Clarke faced a furious backlash last night after dismissing calls for a referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union as “irrelevant and silly”.
In a provocative swipe at the Tory Right, the Justice Secretary and veteran europhile rubbished supporters of a nationwide poll on Britain’s links with Brussels as “a few extreme nationalists”.
His astonishing outburst in a live radio rant was seen as an insult to more than 370,000 Daily Express readers who have backed this newspaper’s crusade for the UK to quit the EU.
Mr Clarke also admitted the Tories would lose a snap general election if one were held today and confessed to being surprised that the Coalition was not more unpopular than recent opinion polls suggest.
He spoke out amid growing expectations from Tory MPs that David Cameron will come out in favour of an EU referendum by the next election.
Interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Mr Clarke dismissed claims that backing an EU referendum could help revive Tory fortunes. “It’s a complete non sequitur,” he said. “A referendum on our membership of the EU is an irrelevance.”
He added: “It is the demand of a few Right-wing journalists and a few extreme nationalist politicians. I cannot think of anything sillier to do than to hold a referendum.
“It would settle nothing with the more frenzied Eurosceptics, who keep believing that European bogies are under the bed.
“I think the nation is a bit Eurosceptic. The nation is extremely worried about present events, as well we might be. We all feel insecure, we’re hoping strong government will take us through, and some difficult measures are required.”
Last night Mr Clarke repeated his claims, telling Channel 4 News: “To actually start going on about a referendum now is a useless irrelevance.
“I just think if people heard the British were now going to indulge themselves in a three-week campaign about whether or not they were going to stay members of the EU, people would start thinking ‘the British are just like the Greeks – what are they going to do next?’”
Downing Street officials rejected his stance last night and refused to rule out an EU referendum.
A source close to David Cameron said: “Ken’s views on Europe are well known and he always expresses them in a colourful way.
“The manifesto for 2015 has not been written. We’re focused on dealing with the deficit and getting growth into the economy.” Tory backbencher Peter Bone savaged Mr Clarke’s comments as an “insult” to Daily Express readers.
“If Ken Clarke is so sure that Daily Express readers are in the minority on this question, why doesn’t he agree to a referendum so we can see whether it is his view or that of Daily Express readers which is truly popular,” said Mr Bone.
A Commons Transport Select Committee yesterday warned new EU rules on pilots’ flying hours risk “jeopardising safety”. They accused it of planning to lower Britain’s standards by pursuing a “lowest common denominator” approach to harmonise rules across the EU.

Thank you Mr Clarke you actions I'm sure will aid the popularity & recruitment of UKIP who are currently swelling with disgruntled Tory members & voters.

Maintaining a pro EU stance is shear insanity, with unelected bureaucrats running our country from abroad, mismanagement of countless taxes, British sovereignty given away on a silver platter & clear links to Agenda 21, JUST WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON MR CLARKE!

One things for certain, it isn't the British peoples! 


Story ImageFURY erupted last night after it emerged that international finance chief Christine Lagarde pays no tax on her £350,000 a year salary and perks package.
The head of the International Monetary Fund is paid on a tax-free basis because of the global nature of her role, officials confirmed.
The former French finance minister, 56, caused anger in Greece last month for berating many Greeks for dodging tax.
Her salary is funded by taxpayers from IMF member states, including Britain.
John O’Connell, research director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “It’s utterly disgraceful that these officials can jet around the world telling others to pay their share, while they live tax free.
“What’s even worse is that it’s taxpayers who pick up the bill. Urgent reform is needed to ensure they practise what they preach.”
Mrs Lagarde shares her tax-free status with United Nations diplomats as part of the 1961 Vienna Convention.

Oh the benefits of the unelected elite, does that mean that airline pilots don't pay tax because of the 'Global Nature' of their roll? No? OK, what about Military personnel? I wonder if her staff share the same benefit?

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Looks like wine, tastes like wine, EU says its a 'Fruit-Derived Alcoholic Beverage from produce sourced Outside the EU'

One of the UK's leading wine producers has fallen foul of bonkers EU rules after it was told its Malbec must not be called wine but 'a fruit-derived alcoholic beverage' because it was made using imported grapes from Argentina.
Bottles of the Chapel Down Malbec, which retail for around £15 each must now be withdrawn from sale under EU rules which declare that the wine may not declare itself a wine or a Malbec if produced in a region different from that in which the grapes were grown – and it's even forbidden to be sold.
The Malbec was produced in collaboration with an Argentinian vineyard and is not bottled as Malbec, but instead is called 'An English Salute'.
The winemakers from Tenterden in Kent are now stuck with 1,300 bottles of wine, which was launched in April on World Malbec Day and are resorting to giving it away as taster sample alongside purchases of their award-winning sparkling wines.
In protest at the barmy ruling, the EFD Group in the European Parliament, of which UKIP is the majority party, is holding a Non-Wine Tasting Event in Brussels on Europe Day, May 9, with the serious aim of drawing attention to damaging, nonsensical EU legislation.
There are bound to be plenty of takers, as according to wine experts, the grapes were fermented slightly cooler than is traditional in Argentina before the wine was matured in new American oak for nine month resulting in a “big red” wine (abv 14%) with a blackcurrant, blueberry and raspberry nose and a long finish of berry fruit and garrigue herbs.

To see what UKIP Leader Nigel Farage had to say abou the farce, click here.


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Communities Secretary Eric Pickles
Wednesday May 9,2012

By Macer Hall

EUROCRATS are planning to party through the eurozone crisis by holding a bizarre birthday festival this week, it emerged yesterday.
EU citizens are being invited to Brussels to see displays of Tai Chi, cookery, flag throwing and a troop of frolicking clowns.
There is even a display of laughter yoga – an exercise technique from India where participants learn to “laugh for no reason”.
And the highlight of the taxpayer-funded event will be a live performance by a 69-year-old DJ called Mamy Rock.
The attractions are being staged in the European quarter of the Belgian capital on Saturday in a Festival of Europe Open Day at the EU’s institutions.
It is planned around today’s Europe Day anniversary of the foundation of the first step towards European union. But last night, critics were appalled that Brussels chiefs were staging a celebration at a time of worsening political and economic crisis across the EU.
The Eurocrats are laughing at us – at our expense
Euro MP Paul Nuttall, deputy leader of Ukip
Euro MP Paul Nuttall, deputy leader of Ukip, said: “I am sure the millions left destitute and unemployed by the EU’s ruinous policies will join me in denouncing these events. The Eurocrats are laughing at us – at our expense.” 
An EU spokeswoman said: “The open day is held every year to invite citizens to find out more about what the EU does.”
But EU officials yesterday declined to disclose how much the event was costing.
Meanwhile, a number of public buildings in the UK will be forced to fly the blue-and-gold EU flag for a week from today.
Whitehall’s office of the Department for Communities and Local Government is among those where staff are forced to comply with the ruling or face a £10,000 fine. Officials are ordered to ensure the flag is flown in a “prominent position at the front of the building”.
Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles said: “Forcing the UK to fly the flag is not going to get more people to embrace the European Union.”

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


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Employment Minister Chris Grayling
Monday May 7,2012

By Martyn Brown

BRITAIN faces paying pensions to all migrants under an EU plot to seize control of the benefits system.
It would allow people who have never worked in this country to claim welfare and retirement cash.
But critics last night warned Brussels to expect a battle against any such attempt to “bypass our rights”.
Employment Minister Chris Grayling said: “The Government takes the very firm view there should be no opening up of our welfare system to people coming from abroad who do not intend to work and contribute to British society.
“Our arrangements are for Britain to decide, not Brussels. I’m not happy with the way that the EU is behaving.
“Europe should not be negotiating social security deals on our behalf. That’s why we’re going through the courts to stop them.”
The “worrying” move emerged as Eurocrats prepare to sign a deal with Turkey, which wants to join the EU, and which could give its 75 million ­citizens full access to European nations’ social security payments.
Europe should not be negotiating social security deals on our behalf
Employment Minister Chris Grayling
Ministers fear the controversial move will lead to a string of welfare deals with countries outside the EU, which this country would be powerless to resist.
And it means benefits such as pensions and health care could be handed out to all immigrants, even if they have never contributed taxes to Britain.
Brussels believes the pact will “enhance the special relationship with Turkey” and “permit Turkey to align its policies on social security co-ordination with those of the EU in preparation for future accession”.
The deal would not immediately open the door to large numbers of new Turkish welfare claimants, because Britain already has a treaty with Turkey dating from 1961 which gives some access to social security benefits.
But officials are concerned that once Brussels has grabbed power over benefits eligibility rights could later be extended and given to citizens of other countries to claim here without ­British consent. Tory ministers are concerned this would add millions of pounds to the welfare bill, harm attempts to cut the deficit and encourage benefit tourists to exploit Britain’s generous social security system. This includes the basic state pension of £107.45 a week.
Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: “If they are allowed to get away with these plans then the British government will not be able to stop who lives off our own taxpayers.”
Tory MP Priti Patel said: “All British taxpayers should be deeply concerned about this. It demonstrates the extent of their erosion of British sovereignty.”
The Department for Work and ­Pensions is also angry at what it sees as underhand tactics used by the European Commission to bypass government consent.
The Lisbon Treaty gave Britain the choice to opt in or out of agreements between Brussels and non-EU countries. However, the commission is trying to force through the deal using another part of the treaty that is usually used to govern relations between member states.
DWP sources said Brussels was pursuing an attempt to “bypass our rights”, “seize control” of pensions and benefits rights and encroach further on British sovereignty.
“We should have the right to decide whether to opt in or not to these agreements, but the way the EU is putting them together stops us exercising this right,” said a senior source.
The revelation will fuel support for the Daily Express’s massively popular crusade to get Britain out of the EU.
Last week this newspaper revealed how the “Berlin group” of European nations headed by Germany and France wishes take away much of the UK’s sovereign power. It has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.
The Government has already started a legal battle to stop the EU e­xtending its power, taking a case to the European Court to stop similar deals with Switzerland and Norway.
Last night the European Commission denied it was trying to harmonise social security systems, saying the deal would mean migrant workers were not put at a financial disadvantage when moving between states.
“None of this means anyone, wherever they are from, can just pitch up in the UK and claim benefits. For non- EU citizens, working or not, the UK decides who to let in and for how long and whether to recognise them as resident,” said a commission spokesman.
“What this proposal does is simplify administrative arrangements for the governments concerned.”


Tuesday May 8 2012 by Padraic Flanagan
EUROPE'S austerity plans were under severe pressure last night after French and Greek voters delivered a decisive rejection of job cuts and tax rises.
France elected a new president committed to an economic recovery more focused on growth, while Greek politics were left in disarray by an across-the-board thumbs down for savage Brussels-imposed cuts in return for huge bail-outs.
President Francois Hollande was warned by Germany that there was no question of unpicking an EU austerity-based “fiscal treaty” agreed last year.
And the European Commission said that Greece – once it finds a workable coalition government – was expected to stick to the strict austerity commitments it made in return for continued funding from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.
A challenge to EU belt-tightening priorities was a central plank of Mr Hollande’s election campaign, and this has raised tensions in Berlin and in Brussels, while the failure in Greece of any party to win more than 20 per cent of the vote reinforced the problems of making austerity stick.
They both look forward to working very closely together in the future
A Downing Street spokesman
The outcome of both elections made markets wobble, with Greek shares down about 6 per cent amid concerns that the odds on Greece leaving the euro were rising.
Another Greek election looks likely, but even if the country does manage to form a government it will feel obliged to reflect voter anger and reject the current scale of austerity measures.
David Cameron spoke to Mr Hollande by phone soon after the new president had won the poll on the back of his attacks on the austerity plans driven by German’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy.
A Downing Street spokesman said: “They both look forward to working very closely together in the future.” But relations with Paris will depend on how far Mr Hollande goes in trying to switch the EU economic emphasis from austerity to sustainable jobs and growth.
Former EU commissioner Lord Mandelson said he expected Mr Hollande and Mrs Merkel to mount a renewed push for greater EU integration to shore up the eurozone.
He said: “I think that both from Mr Hollande and Mrs Merkel you are going to see the top priority being stopping the eurozone from splitting.”
And he added as a warning: “Should Greece leave the eurozone I think it would put a question mark over the risk of market contagion and panic spreading from Greece to other countries.”

Friday, 4 May 2012


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Britain will run from Brussels if Van Rompuy is replaced by a super EU president
Friday May 4,2012


SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing ­Britain, we can reveal.
A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.
The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater political and economic union. 

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at an EU summit
Tellingly, the UK has been excluded from the confidential discussions within the shady “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians, spearheaded by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle.
This is a truly ridiculous idea that must never be allowed to happen
Euro-MP Paul Nuttall, of the UK Independence Party
Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages. 
They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labour peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon.
“This is a plot by people who want to abolish nation states and create a United States of Europe,” he said. 
“The whole thing is barmy. These people are determined to achieve their final objective.

“The only hope for Britain is to leave the EU and become an independent nation.”
The move will give further momentum to the Daily Express’s hugely popular crusade for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and David Cameron
Tory backbench MP Douglas Carswell said: “It doesn’t matter how you arrange the offices of these technocrats, they are useless at arranging our lives for us and they are not elected so they have no legitimacy.
“My worry is that the president will end up having the charisma of Van Rompuy and the economic management skills of Barroso.”
Euro-MP Paul Nuttall, of the UK Independence Party, said: “This is a truly ridiculous idea that must never be allowed to happen. It sounds as if they are trying to go back to the days of the Holy Roman Emperor.”
At present, the two senior EU bureaucrats, Mr Barroso and Mr Van Rompuy, are locked in a bitter power struggle to determine who is the true big cheese or “grand fromage” in Europe. Former Portuguese premier Mr Barroso, who heads the EU’s executive arm and was elected to his post by members of the European Union, is understood to resent the rival fiefdom of Belgian Mr Van Rompuy, who was chosen by the heads of ­government of EU member states to represent them.
Under the plan, a single figure would be elected by Euro-MPs to perform both roles.
Supporters of the move believe that the rival presidencies are undermining the EU’s ability to speak with a single voice. They argue that merging the two jobs will create a powerful European leader who is capable of pursuing the federalist dream of a united Europe which has been severely shaken by the eurozone crisis.
Lord Stoddart confirmed the existence of the plot thanks to a parliamentary written answer in the House of Lords. He asked Foreign Office ministers to reveal what they knew about the merger talks.
In response to his inquiry, Tory Foreign Office minister Lord Howell of Guildford said: “We are aware of one group of EU foreign ministers meeting on an informal basis to discuss a variety of issues related to the future governance of the EU.

Merkel and Sarkozy have built a strong relationship
“While the UK is not part of that group, we understand that one idea under discussion is a merger of the positions of president of the European Council and president of the European Commission.”
Lord Howell added: “A merger of the two presidencies would create a potential conflict of interest, undermine the quality of the EU’s decision-making processes and upset the institutional balance within the EU.” Lord Stoddart said: “These sorts of informal discussions within the EU have a habit of rapidly being transferred into formal proposals.
“Since the Government is not party to these discussions, its reservations are academic.
“Such a merger would represent a massive shift of power into the hands of a single, unelected bureaucrat. The Government should be taking this far more seriously and voicing its objections very strongly.”
He added: “The holder of this new office would be both Europe’s political and administrative leader, giving them far more powers than those given to the US president.
“It really is a great disappointment that we have a Conservative-led Government that is supposed to be Eurosceptic yet ministers just go along with this.”