Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Friday, 20th January 2012

UKIP has outlined an alternative plan to the Royal Navy's troubled multi-billion pound fighter plane programme.
Britain is due to buy around 50 American F-35C Joint Strike Fighters at a total cost of £5bn pounds having already cancelled the F-35B at a cost several hundred million pounds which resulted in the acquisition of one unusable prototype.

However leaked documents reveal that the F-35C has failed to take off and land safely in simulated tests.

The design flaw means that the plane's arrestor hook, a device used to stop the fighter overshooting a carrier's landing deck once it had touched down, is too close to the plane's wheels to be effective.

A possible redesign will no doubt be costly, or possibly difficult to implement, thus adding to the growing list of difficulties that has pushed the unit cost to currently beyond $155million. 

Lord Hesketh, UKIP defence spokesman, believes that an alternative cost-effective solution exists which would not only work practically, but would also protect and create British jobs.

UKIP's solution would be to 'marinize' the Eurofighter Typhoon, an aircraft which requires no catapult system - electric or steam, only a ski jump as originally envisaged. 

BAE Systems, one of the three companies in the consortium that produces the Typhoon, first conducted the concept study of this in 1992.

The study saw the development of the Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC) and there is a 'marinized' Eurofighter simulator at Farnborough.

Research and development costs are estimated at £1.4billion which is roughly equivalent to the costs associated to modify the Queen Elizabeth (QE) class aircraft carriers to use the new (but not yet in service) US-built Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS).

There are currently two QE-class aircraft carriers being built for the Royal Navy with the first expected to enter service in 2016. However the carrier will not have strike capability under the current programme until 2020 at the earliest.

This was just one of the controversial decisions to be made following the Strategic Defence and Security Review. 

Not only would UKIP's plan offer a realistic solution to ensuring new carrier strike capability earlier than anticipated, it would also help protect British jobs as choosing to 'marinize' the Typhoon would extend the life of the Typhoon production line in Warton, Lancashire.

There would also be the opportunity for export for a fully 'marinized' Typhoon, particularly to the Indian Air Force under their Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) programme.

The unit cost of the Typhoon will also save the Royal Navy money. The Typhoon costs roughly £80million, whilst the F-35C comes in at £100million a unit. 

Furthermore the 'marinized' Typhoon will be not affected by the technology restrictions that have bedevilled the F35 programme since its inception, particularly with regard to the software source codes which the US have consistently refused to provide access to. These codes are integral to the installation of all weapons systems. In the case of the 'marinized' Typhoon, apart from the greatly increased UK content, there will be no outside restriction on the export of aircraft as the UK will have control of the intellectual property of both the aircraft systems and weapons.

Lord Hesketh, UKIP's defence spokesman, said:

"The F-35C programme should be scrapped before more taxpayers' money is wasted. It was another ludicrous decision to come out of the Strategic Defence and Security Review.

"Much of the work to make the Typhoon fit for taking off and landing on aircraft carriers has already been undertaken. There is also the added bonus that it would preserve and create British jobs, plus give our aircraft carriers an earlier strike capability than 2020."

Lord Hesketh has previously commented upon some of the decisions to arise from the Strategic Defence and Security Review. In October 1993 he joined the board of defence company Babcock International Group where he became non-executive deputy chairman in 1996. He resigned his position in November 2010 after saying that the Royal Navy's new QE-class aircraft carriers would make the country a "laughing stock". 

Another point to note is the Argentinians recent sabre rattling about the Falkland Islands, they know damn well we don't have the means to defend it without a carrier. & after recent falling out with the French, I doubt very much if they'd lend us one of theirs! 


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Leaders of EU nations are meeting in Brussels to decide the future of the eurozone
Monday January 30,2012

By Emily Fox for express.co.uk

STOCK markets across the world plunged today as Greece's never-ending debt mountain overshadowed the crucial EU summit to rescue the eurozone.
The 27 EU leaders gathered in Brussels today In the hope of stimulating economic growth at a time when government spending cuts threaten to push many countries back into recession.

But the meeting was overshadowed by a dire situation in the markets and the elephant in the room - Greece.

Britain's FTSE 100 fell 1.1 per cent, Germany's DAX lost 1.04 per cent and France's CAC-40 shed 1.6 per cent. 

American stocks were hit too as Wall Street also opened sharply lower. 

It came after Greece furiously rejected a German plan to put the EU in charge of its tax and spending. 

Greece has reached a tentative deal with its private creditors that could avert a disastrous default this spring. 
After all, lack of democratic freedoms is what caused the Second World War
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

Investors holding 206 billion euros in Greek bonds would exchange them for bonds with half the face value. 

But because Greece has been in recession for years, some experts fear it could need more rescue loans from its bailout partners - other eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund - if it is to remain solvent.

Richer countries like Germany are losing patience with giving Athens loans, saying the Greek government is not implementing reforms and austerity cuts quickly enough.

Spain was one step closer to recession after its economy shrank in the last three months of 2011.
Pressure is piling on David Cameron not to backtrack on his tough EU stance by senior Tories after veto-ing the previous EU agreement. 

And Nicolas Sarkozy is feeling the pressure of an upcoming election which saw the French PM attack Britain for being a country with 'no industry.'

The entire Greek situation threatens to destabilise the talks. 

Yesterday, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith warned the EU: "As one of the great historical democratic nations we should always stand up for democratic freedoms. 

"After all, lack of democratic freedoms is what caused the Second World War."


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Natascha Engel yesterday said she wants a referendum pledge in party manifestos
Tuesday January 31,2012

By Macer Hall, Political Editor

DAVID CAMERON will face renewed pressure to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU after polls around the country later this year.
Two campaign groups are organising ballots in a string of Parliamentary constituencies.
The cross-party People’s Pledge campaign will invite voters to say whether they want an in-or-out referendum on Britain’s EU membership.
It will hold a poll in April, 10 in the autumn and 100 next year.
In a separate move, the Vote UK Out of EU campaign will hold plebiscites in the constituencies of the Prime Minister at Witney, Oxfordshire, his Liberal Democrat deputy Nick Clegg in Sheffield Hallam and Labour leader Ed Miliband in Doncaster North in June.
A postal ballot will ask if voters want the UK to quit the EU or stay in.
Launching the People’s Pledge polls yesterday, Labour MP Natascha Engel said: “We want to persuade political parties and Members of Parliament, with pressure from their constituents, to put a referendum in their manifestoes at the next general election.
This campaign is not a threat to MPs, it’s an opportunity. I hope MPs will regard this as an opportunity to restore trust in the political process.
Tory MP Douglas Carswell
“If an overwhelming majority in the next Parliament has been elected on manifestoes with a referendum, it will happen.” Organisers plan to raise more than £2million to fund the polls. They have drawn up a hit list of 13 potential targets for their first referendum.
MPs who have signed the People’s Pledge calling for a referendum – 64 so far – will be spared a referendum in their constituencies. It follows the Daily Express Crusade for Britain to quit the EU altogether.
Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: “This campaign is not a threat to MPs, it’s an opportunity. I hope MPs will regard this as an opportunity to restore trust in the political process.”
A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said EU membership was “not for debate”, adding: “Being a member of the EU has great benefits for the people of this country, above all when part of the single market.”


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David Cameron in Brussels yesterday
Tuesday January 31,2012

By Alison Little, Deputy Political Editor

FURIOUS Conservatives accused David Cameron last night of watering down his tough stance on a new EU pact.
Ahead of a summit in Brussels, the Prime Minister was said to be trying to “appease” Lib Dems by allowing the European Court of Justice to police new fiscal controls over eurozone countries.

Martin Callanan, leader of Tory MEPs at Strasbourg, who met Mr Cameron before the summit, said there had been a “climb down” following last year’s EU veto.

“There is no doubt the Government’s position has altered since the December summit, when they were insisting the institutions could not be used.” he said.

“I blame a combination of appeasing Nick Clegg, who is desperate to sign anything the EU puts in front of him, and the practical reality that this pact is actually quite hard to prevent.”

The summit, which was due to last just three hours, is trying to revive market confidence by focusing on the long-term economic outlook.
I blame a combination of appeasing Nick Clegg, who is desperate to sign anything the EU puts in front of him, and the practical reality that this pact is actually quite hard to prevent
Martin Callanan, leader of Tory MEPs

Leaders were set to agree a statement, declaring: “We have to actively enhance growth and competitiveness, so as to create jobs, preserve our social models, and ensure the well-being of our people”.

But the short-term worries about the Greek debt crisis and a possible default returned to haunt the discussions before they had even begun.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are demanding greater EU control of the Greek economy – including tax and spending to try to force through unpopular austerity measures.
But the idea has infuriated the Greek government, which has insisted it will retain control.

Talks were due to take place on the terms of the fiscal pact, which will tighten central control over eurozone economies.
Speaking before the meeting, Mr Cameron had told Europe to “get really serious” about jobs and growth.

He said: “We need to complete the single market, agree trade deals and make serious efforts to deregulate small businesses. That’s the agenda I shall be push- ing and I hope to find support.”

But today Mr Cameron is set to face tough questions from Tory MPs in the Commons, where he is due to report back from the conference.

The summit took place against the backdrop of a public sector strike in Belgium, reflecting growing public disquiet across Europe at tough austerity measures which have hit incomes and employment.

All EU leaders managed to beat the stoppage, though some had to arrive in military aircraft to land at an air base 20 miles to the east of Brussels.


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Romanian workers picking spring onions on a farm in the Midlands
Tuesday January 31,2012

By Mark Reynolds

BRITSH bosses are offering thousands of jobs to Romanian workers despite UK unemployment hitting a 17-year high of 2.68million.
As the jobless rate soars to 8.4 per cent, Romanian job-seekers are being snapped up in a recruitment drive that has made the UK the favoured destination for the would-be migrant workers.
In Bucharest yesterday, online recruitment agency tjobs.ro said British firms were trying to fill 2,434 jobs with Romanian workers.
Many posts were for medical staff, tourism workers and skilled staff, but a quarter of them were for labourers and other unskilled workers.
The jobs are just the latest being offered to out-of-work foreigners while their British counterparts are left dependent on the benefits system.
UK posts on offer in Romania included £2,000-a-month cab drivers, nurses on £24,000 a year and doctors offered £4,000 a month. Other jobs included sales staff, care-home assistants and hotel posts. In December alone there were 9,383 applications from Romanians for UK jobs through tjobs.ro.
Many posts were for medical staff, tourism workers and skilled staff, but a quarter of them were for labourers and other unskilled workers.
This made up more than 20 per cent of the total applications. Germany came next, with 6,890 Romanian applications, followed by Denmark with 4,199.
Earlier this month, a report revealed immigrants had taken 160,000 jobs from British-born workers in five years.
One British job was lost for every four non-EU workers arriving here between 2005 and 2010.
The study by the Government’s Migration Advisory Committee revealed the number of foreigners working in the UK had soared by 2.1 million in 15 years. Cheap labour was one of the biggest problems. The startling findings come as youth unemployment in Britain crashes through the one million barrier.
They vindicate warnings the Daily Express has sounded for years on the dangers of the last Labour government’s open-door policy on immigration.
The report makes a mockery of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s pledge to create “British jobs for British workers”.
Sir Andrew Green, chairman of campaign group MigrationWatch UK, said: “The committee have had the courage to say straight out that immigration can add to unemployment, especially during a recession.”
Romanian nurse Sylvia Basescu, who is looking for a job here, said: “Many of my friends have jobs in the UK. They earn great salaries. There is lots of overtime and they can save a lot of money to buy property in Romania and send money back to support their families.”

Monday, 30 January 2012


Monday, 30th January 2012
Monday, 30th January 2012 should be remembered as the day that David Cameron showed the British people his true colours.
Last month he was painted as the returning hero from Brussels when he supposedly used his veto over a new treaty.  There was no treaty text so technically a veto could not be used.

He also made it clear he would not allow EU institutions to be used to co-ordinate and administer any new pact.

How much can change in a few weeks.

His actions are no more than another example of eurosceptic posturing.

It is now clear that the Government has committed a U-turn on December's stance, with David Cameron now happy for various EU institutions to be used by the 26 other member states for a new treaty.

The U-turn has even been confirmed by a leading Conservative MEP in Brussels.

Martin Callanan, leader of the Conservative MEPs, said: "There is no doubt that the government's position has altered since the December summit when they were insisting the Institutions could not be used."

Some might argue that this has been done to pacify his coalition partners, others might say that he is not as tough on the EU as he would like you to think.

One thing is for sure: you can not trust David Cameron or the Conservative Party to stand up to the EU.

His actions speak louder than words.

If you care about Britain and are fed up with the empty promises of Dave and his mates, then please support UKIP. 

Join usdonate if you can, and vote for us in 2012 – it is the only way to get your message heard.


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Eurosceptic and UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage signed up to the site
Monday January 30,2012

By Daily Express reporter

THE EU has spent £170,000 creating an online European parliament for users to get to the heart of “democracy in action” in Brussels.
The virtual reality site will go live in 23 languages next month. The brains behind it hope participants will create a personalised avatar and even interact with their MEP.
Eurosceptic and UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage signed up to the site – saying he wanted to find out “exactly how they were wasting people’s money".
The site, Citzalia, is billed a breakthrough that captures “the essence of the European Parliament”.
It adds: “You can participate in debates, write articles, and draft virtual legislation on EU policy, using the official EU information provided.”

What a fantastic idea! The EU can now ignore us online as well!!


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President Sarkozy has said the UK has no industry
Monday January 30,2012

By Daily Express reporter

A SNEERING Nicolas Sarkozy last night attacked Britain for being a country with “no industry”.
The French president, hoping to be re-elected this spring, used the inflammatory words as he defended a VAT rise during a prime-time national TV broadcast. 

Mr Sarkozy had just announced 1.6 per cent would be added to the tax, which is meant to boost France’s failing economy.

He argued that a similar move “helped to boost German competitiveness” and had not led to an increase in prices. But when a journalist pointed out that Britain had experienced such a rise after it lifted its VAT contributions, Mr Sarkozy replied: “The United Kingdom has no industry any more.”


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Migrants line up in Calais, hoping to make it into Britain
Monday January 30,2012

By Anil Dawar

THE EU’s passport-free travel scheme has seen the number of Albanians trying to sneak into Britain hit a record high.
The folly of the borderless Schengen zone is today laid bare. Before the eastern Europeans were given visa-free access to mainland Europe in 2010, British immigration officers picked up around two illegal Albanian migrants a week.

Once Brussels opened the door, 229 were turned back in the three months between July and September 2011 – a rise of more than 800 per cent.

The study by Frontex, the EU’s border agency, found that in the same period, 3,550 Albanians were turned away from all EU borders – a seven-fold increase on the year before.

The details emerged a week after the EU opened talks over visa liberalisation for Kosovo.

Experts fear this will provide a new backdoor into the UK for more illegal migrants and criminal gangs who will exploit the weak border controls.
These figures will be just the tip of the iceberg because they represent only the ones who are caught
Gerard Batten, MEP and UKIP home affairs spokesman

Campaigners expressed outrage yesterday at the Albanian figures, saying they proved that, even though Britain is not part of the EU’s borderless Schengen Area, lax controls still affect the UK.

Gerard Batten, MEP and UKIP home affairs spokesman, said: “We have warned about this side- effect of visa-free travel many times.

“These figures will be just the tip of the iceberg because they represent only the ones who are caught.”

Alp Mehmet, spokesman for campaign group migration Watch, said: “These figures are an important reminder that we have to maintain control over our borders and should not give that up.”