Friday, 30 September 2011


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Turkey’s EU minister Egemen Bagis
Friday September 30,2011

By Daily Express Reporter

TURKISH officials are to have a hand in drafting EU laws governing Britain.
Civil servants from Ankara are being sent to work on policy matters alongside Eurocrats in Brussels.
The development suggests that Turkey is moving closer to becoming a full member of the European Union.
It was revealed in a statement released to the European Parliament setting out details of the “milestone” agreement signed by the European Commission.
Turkey’s EU minister Egemen Bagis proudly told MEPs: “Turks will have a role in shaping EU’s future politics and legislation.”
Last night there was outrage that a non-EU country was being handed powers to create laws affecting the UK.
UK Independence Party MEP John Bufton said: “The European Commission makes upwards of 75 percent of our laws. We now learn that some of them are to be written by Turks despite them not having membership of the Union.
The British government must demand that this utterly ridiculous plan be halted
UK Independence Party MEP John Bufton
“It is outrageous that laws affecting everybody in Britain can be written by Turkish officials who have absolutely no accountability to the public and won’t reflect the interests of the UK.
“The British government must demand that this utterly ridiculous plan be halted.”


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UKIP leader Nigel Farage
Friday September 30,2011

By Alison Little, Deputy Political Editor

EUROCRATS have ordered Britain to pay up to £2.5billion more a year in handouts to people from across the EU, sparking fears of an explosion in “benefit tourism”.
The European Commission has accused the UK of break­ing EU laws giving foreigners access to our multi-billion-pound welfare system – and has set a two-month deadline for Britain to open up access or face court action.
If the commission gets its way, people from the 26 other EU states will be able to travel to Britain, claim they are now living here and immediately qualify for a range of benefits without ever having paid into the system.
The Eurocrats’ “reasoned opinion”, issued yesterday, said: “The UK has two months to inform the Commission of measures it has taken to bring its legislation into line with EU law.
“Otherwise, the Commission may decide to refer the UK to the EU’s Court of Justice.”
Estimates of the cost to British taxpayers of the extra benefits have ranged between £700million and £2.5billion a year.
Once again we see the European Commission telling us how to run our country and people are becoming sick and tired of it.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage
But critics savaged the latest intrusion into Britain’s domestic affairs by unelected bureaucrats.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: “Once again we see the European Commission telling us how to run our country and people are becoming sick and tired of it.
“If the EC gets its way then there will be a far greater burden on the British taxpayer as more money will need to be found for the social security system.’’
The controversy is over the “right to reside” test which Britain applies to nationals from other EU countries living in the UK before they can qualify for certain benefits.
Child benefit, child tax credit, pension credit, Jobseekers Allowance and the Employment and Support Allowance – replacing Incapacity Benefit – are granted only to those who pass the test.

It is designed to ensure that only people in work or genuinely seeking work, and therefore trying to contribute to the British economy, can get the payments.
But Brussels says the Government cannot put extra conditions on citizens from other countries and that our rules amount to “indirect discrimination”.
Ministers yesterday vowed to fight the challenge which they fear will pave the way for an explosion in “benefit tourism”.
Employment Minister Chris Grayling said: “It’s obviously right that we support those who work and pay their taxes here, but it’s clearly completely unacceptable that we should open our doors to benefit tourism.”
The Daily Express, which is campaigning for Britain to leave the EU, told earlier this year how the EC had sent the Government a “threatening” letter over conditions it sets on benefit claims by people from other EU states.
We also highlighted growing concern at how the EU was trying to put pressure on governments to pay benefits to foreign nationals who had never paid taxes in their adopted countries.
Britain had led a group of 13 governments to protest to the Commission and demand a proper debate.
Conservative MEP Julie Girling said: “British taxpayers will want to know why their hard-earned money should now be directed straight into the pockets of any EU national who chooses to come here and make a claim.
“This can only lead to a boom in benefits tourism. And with our generous system, Britain will be destination of choice.’’

Thursday, 29 September 2011


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European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso unveiled proposals for a £47billion-a-year levy
Thursday September 29,2011

By Macer Hall

BRUSSELS bureaucrats were last night accused of putting hundreds of thousands of British jobs in peril after confirming plans for a sweeping European Union-wide financial  tax.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso unveiled proposals for a £47billion-a-year levy on transactions between banks and other financial institutions within the EU’s 27 member nations.
Bank share values plunged after the announcement.
Treasury officials said the Government would oppose the plan following fears it would penalise the City of London especially. British opposition is likely to scupper the plan as EU tax proposals must be backed by all 27 EU nations.
Mr Barroso claimed the financial transaction tax would raise a “fair contribution” from Europe’s financial sector in an era of austerity.
But the Confederation of British Industry said the plan was “completely misguided”.
Deputy director-general Neil Bentley described it as “a crude instrument that would increase the cost of capital for businesses, hold back their growth potential and raise minimal revenue in return.”
The Confederation of British Industry said the plan was “completely misguided”.
He added: “It would be particularly damaging to the UK.

Here we go again, the EU will have it's pound of flesh from the UK no matter what!
Now this is a really obvious statement but I'm going say it anyway...
The fact that every trader will move away from Europe (The City of London to be more precise) to avoid paying the 'dig the EU out of its black hole tax' seems to have escaped Mr Barroso, or perhaps he's fully aware of the ramifications & is using it to get  his 'dues' from the UK.

Mr Barroso,  you truly are a world class buffoon,  & with all the ammunition you have supplied, I'd say we are looking at an Artillery Barrage response from Nigel Farage. Ah that didn't take long.

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UKIP Leader Nigel Farage today accused Jose Manuel Barroso, head of the European Commission, as being one of "yesterday's men" during Barroso's annual State of the Union address in Strasbourg.
Farage was responding to a bullish speech from Barroso where the EC Chief called for greater centralisation and came down firmly in favour of the 27-nation European Union having a stronger central government.

Barroso outlined a number of proposals designed to promote greater economic integration across the member states, including eurobonds and a financial transaction tax. The latter would see EU countries paying a levy on every financial transaction that took place.

With London as one of the leading financial capitals of the world, such a tax would have a negative impact on the City of London. When Sweden introduced a similar tax it saw disappointing revenues and many financial companies leaving the country.

Barroso also told MEPs that Greece will stay in the Eurozone despite the ongoing crisis and speculation that the country will default on its debts.

Nigel Farage said: "Barroso's speech acknowledged that the EU is facing its greatest challenge at present and what answer does he provide? Further integration and centralisation. It is this kind of supposed solution that helped create Greece's current crisis in the first place.

"Whilst the people of Greece continue to suffer, the EU is using the crisis to perform a power grab on an immense scale.

"The proposal of a financial transaction tax could fatally undermine the City of London and see a mass exodus of financial firms leaving the city. It would be an utter disaster for this country."
See Nigel's speech here.


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The extraordinary EU diktat was condemned as a propaganda drive designed to brainwash youngsters
Thursday September 29,2011

By Macer Hall, Political Editor

CHILDREN could be forced to attend compulsory lessons in “European citizenship” under draconian plans drawn up by Euro-MPs in Brussels, it emerged last night.
In a move likened to Nazi indoctrination, the European Parliament wants pupils as young as five to be taught about EU “benefits” and encouraged to behave as “good Europeans”.
MEPs also want a network of specialist “European schools” across the EU to “encourage the emergence of European citizenship from a very young age”.
And they are demanding that lessons on the history and institutions of the EU are included in the national curriculum. The extraordinary diktat from Brussels was condemned as a propaganda drive designed to brainwash youngsters into supporting an EU superstate.
Plans for the lessons were set out in a report from a committee of MEPs and backed by a vote in the European Parliament on Tuesday, although angry Tory MEPs voted against the plan.
This is a proposal for more EU propaganda in our schools and the sort of indoctrination of children that was carried out by the Third Reich.
Tory MP Peter Bone
MEP Emma McClarkin, Tory education spokesman in the European Parliament, said: “This looks like a licence to force-feed pupils a very one-sided, starry-eyed version of what the EU is and does for its people.
“We fear it will be a carte blanche to push the federalist agenda that is so close to the hearts of the Eurocrats. When you are targeting youngsters and their education, that amounts to political interference; when you are talking about pushing propaganda at children, that is a little sinister.
“The setting of education policy should remain firmly within the hands of member states.
“What children need to know about Europe is that there is a range of views. As well as supporters of the European project, there are many political parties that see it as costly, inefficient, bureaucratic and self-serving.”
The proposals were drawn up by French MEP Jean-Marie Cavada, whose report calls for an expansion of the current 14 “European Schools” as well as integration of their ideals into national education.
He said: “The European Schools have proven effective in terms of language learning and inter-culturalism.
“They will become a model of inspiration for national school systems to promote the emergence of a European identity from an early age.”
Tory MP Peter Bone said: “If the proposal was to teach the history of the EU by detailing how the institutions are riddled with corruption and have brought our financial system system to the brink of collapse, I’d be quite happy.
“Unfortunately, that isn’t the history the Eurocrats want to teach.
“This is a proposal for more EU propaganda in our schools and the sort of indoctrination of children that was carried out by the Third Reich. It must be kept out of our schools.”
Join the Daily Express crusade calling for a ­referendum on Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. You will be taken to the official Government ­website, where you can sign the e-petition, by going to

The Second World War is over right? The EU's is becoming eerily similar to the Nazis of pre WW2 Germany, their campaign for a unified Europe has progressed at a much slower rate than Mr Hitler's & without a shot being fired, but they have accomplished this with the same level of democracy.

Parents wishing to avoid children's exposure to EU propaganda should educate their children about the anti-democratic nature of the EU beforehand, & at the first sign of this appearing in schools write to their MP.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Tuesday, 27th September 2011
In a letter to EC President Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the ALDE group in the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt, asked for clear guidance to an 'exit strategy' from the current Eurozone crisis.
But UKIP MEP offered some simple advice of his own in a written reponse to Mr Verhofstadt.
His letter read:
Dear Mr Verhofstadt,
 You refer in the first paragraph (2nd sentence) of your letter dated 27.09.11 to Senhor Barroso (also circulated to assistants and MEPs) to an "Exit Strategy".
 Surely, the most effective Exit Strategy is - simply - to Exit ?

Yours sincerely,
William Dartmouth

Short but sweet & a perfect solution to boot.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Monday, 26th September 2011
Desmond Swayne, Conservative MP for New Forest West, has informed a constituent that he is "living in a world of illusion" if he believes this government can accelerate the UK's exit from the EU.
The comments came in an exchange of e-mails between local businessman David Pitman and his MP last week.

Mr Pitman, who is a member of UKIP, was staggered to receive the response which clearly admits that the Conservative Party see the issue of Europe and the EU as one of the areas that they can do little about whilst in coalition with the Liberal Democrats.

The reply is particularly interesting as Mr Swayne is also Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to Prime Minister David Cameron, having also been Cameron's PPS during his time as Leader of Opposition between 2005 & 2010.

At a time when eurosceptism is at an all time high in the Conservative Party, such comments will do little to show the growing mass of euroscpetic Tory backbenchers that the heart of Downing Street is serious about EU-reform during this parliament. It also reopens the debate about how much control the Liberal Democrats have in the coalition.   

Nigel Farage, UKIP Leader, said: "There are thousands of people who voted for Desmond Swayne in the New Forest believing that to do so was the best chance of a referendum on the EU. They remembered Cameron's cast iron promise to hold one and foolishly believed that the Conservatives wanted to deliver.

"Now Cameron's own private secretary describes those thousands as living in a 'world of illusion'.

"One might admire his new found honesty and I agree with him. It is truth that trust in his Government's ability or desire to change our relationship with Europe is delusional. It always was and I think it always will be."
Here are David Pitman's email to the PM and to Desmond Swayne
Dear Desmond,

I wrote the attached text below and sent it to the email address that is advertised by your boss.
I got a reply: this email is suspended!  ... which seems typical of the man and the party. Full of cheap promotional words and no action.

The email address is advertised at:
As the words are important to me and my business, I thought you should see them and pass my comments on to your boss if you feel that they are of any value.

David Pitman wrote:
Dear David (Cameron)

My small but successful business is now having to spend a lot of time organising the offer of a pension to staff - who don't want it, based on what they have seen happen to pensions in past few years. Also we are led to believe that we will have to pay a contribution in a few year's time. Hence we may REDUCE staff to save having to deal with this. You spout off words about reducing paperwork to small businesses without having any idea of what small businesses have to put up with!

This week saw the return of the European Parliament to Strasbourg after the summer break. To make up for missing a month in August the EU  parliament  will be meeting twice in September. Next year, this may not happen, as MEPs recently voted to have just 11 sessions in 2012. The French government is challenging this in the courts. The arrival of the traveling circus in Strasbourg each month is accompanied by skyrocketing hotel charges and a massive demand for casual workers in the service sector. The French of course are keen to continue with this boost to their economy, but in these times of austerity, someone should question the morality of using taxpayer's money in this way. - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Calculating the expense of all this is difficult, as many costs are hidden. Documents and equipment are transported from Brussels in convoys of lorries, and thousands of staff, all on generous expenses, make their way to STRASBOURG. There are special trains and charter flights laid on. I understand that the joke is  that canceling the Strasbourg sessions would enable the EU to meet its carbon emissions reduction targets at a stroke!  HOW CAN YOU LET THIS HAPPEN? If this was a business you would sack the lot of them!
I refer to the Telegraph Poll.

Why have you not allowed the UK to vote on the EU situation as you PROMISED to do? At a recent local New Forest Public Conservative MP meeting there were just 10 people attending, 6 were local party workers.

At a local UKIP meeting the hall was packed to  capacity, probably 150 people. It was clear to almost all there that YOU and your party had broken your promises.  Most wished to have trade links with Europe but not political links. Your coalition partners are destined to disaster at the next election over their broken promises. You should not underestimate the tide of feeling that is growing against the stupidity and greed of the EU machine.

David Pitman