UKIP leader Nigel Farage
By Alison Little, Deputy Political Editor
EUROCRATS have ordered Britain to pay up to £2.5billion more a year in handouts to people from across the EU, sparking fears of an explosion in “benefit tourism”.
The European Commission has accused the UK of breaking EU laws giving foreigners access to our multi-billion-pound welfare system – and has set a two-month deadline for Britain to open up access or face court action.
If the commission gets its way, people from the 26 other EU states will be able to travel to Britain, claim they are now living here and immediately qualify for a range of benefits without ever having paid into the system.
The Eurocrats’ “reasoned opinion”, issued yesterday, said: “The UK has two months to inform the Commission of measures it has taken to bring its legislation into line with EU law.
“Otherwise, the Commission may decide to refer the UK to the EU’s Court of Justice.”
Estimates of the cost to British taxpayers of the extra benefits have ranged between £700million and £2.5billion a year.
Once again we see the European Commission telling us how to run our country and people are becoming sick and tired of it. |
But critics savaged the latest intrusion into Britain’s domestic affairs by unelected bureaucrats.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: “Once again we see the European Commission telling us how to run our country and people are becoming sick and tired of it.
“If the EC gets its way then there will be a far greater burden on the British taxpayer as more money will need to be found for the social security system.’’
The controversy is over the “right to reside” test which Britain applies to nationals from other EU countries living in the UK before they can qualify for certain benefits.
Child benefit, child tax credit, pension credit, Jobseekers Allowance and the Employment and Support Allowance – replacing Incapacity Benefit – are granted only to those who pass the test.
It is designed to ensure that only people in work or genuinely seeking work, and therefore trying to contribute to the British economy, can get the payments.
But Brussels says the Government cannot put extra conditions on citizens from other countries and that our rules amount to “indirect discrimination”.
Ministers yesterday vowed to fight the challenge which they fear will pave the way for an explosion in “benefit tourism”.
Employment Minister Chris Grayling said: “It’s obviously right that we support those who work and pay their taxes here, but it’s clearly completely unacceptable that we should open our doors to benefit tourism.”
The Daily Express, which is campaigning for Britain to leave the EU, told earlier this year how the EC had sent the Government a “threatening” letter over conditions it sets on benefit claims by people from other EU states.
We also highlighted growing concern at how the EU was trying to put pressure on governments to pay benefits to foreign nationals who had never paid taxes in their adopted countries.
Britain had led a group of 13 governments to protest to the Commission and demand a proper debate.
Conservative MEP Julie Girling said: “British taxpayers will want to know why their hard-earned money should now be directed straight into the pockets of any EU national who chooses to come here and make a claim.
“This can only lead to a boom in benefits tourism. And with our generous system, Britain will be destination of choice.’’