Wednesday, 30 November 2011

RT - ‘Greece & EU: Either saved or collapsed together’

Published: 29 November, 2011, 15:24
Protestors chant slogans as riot Police stand guard at the data center of the state-controlled Public Power Company (PPC) (AFP Photo / LOUISA GOULIAMAKI)
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Greek MP Simos Kedikoglou predicts his country's economic collapse within weeks, even days, if it doesn’t receive another tranche that finance ministers of eurozone countries have agreed to release.
But the fall of Athens will have a domino effect – tugging away the rest of Europe.
The Greek politician has sharply criticized the recent country’s government and the newly appointed prime minister for bowing entirely the Brussels’ will and passing laws which are required solely by the European leaders. 
“Greece does not feel to be rightfully represented by this parliament because they feel they were tricked in the last elections,” Kedikoglou told RT. “The socialists were saying ‘we have money, we will give you money’ and they ended up by taking the money of the people. Greeks need to feel rightfully represented by their parliament and we need a government that is supported by the Greek society. And that comes only with elections”. 
Simon Kedikoglou acknowledges there is a fear for tomorrow in Athens.
“We don’t know what’s coming next,” he said. “Now everyone is realizing that it is not just a Greek problem, it is the European problem. The whole system that we have made up in the European Union is not working.”
“We had only monetary union without economic union, without political union. We need to move to a faster and bigger integration,” he added.
The MP says the government in Greece used to lie to its people about how the country’s development was progressing. 
“It was the way of borrowing money and giving it away. It was done in the wrong way,” he claims. “We don’t produce as much as we did before and we don’t have the exports that we could have and we haven’t attracted the investments that we must attract. So we must change the whole structure of our economy very quickly and completely.”
“We didn’t speak the truth to the people over the past years. We know the problem is we didn’t do what had to be done quickly and radically. We tried to do the changes slowly and without shocking the society. It proved to be too slowly and too late,” he stated. 
“Now we have to speak the truth that in the last 20 years, Greece has been importing more than it’s been exporting. We don’t produce. Greece doesn’t produce the wheat, the meat that Greeks need. It is the first time since World War II Greece can’t feed its own people. In a country like Greece, where everything can grow, I think it’s a crime.” 
But at the same time Simos Kedikoglou argues austerity cannot save his country. 
“If you raise the taxes in an economy which is in recession then the results are catastrophic. We need a policy which encourages development. If we go where we are going, I think the collapse is certain".
“And that’s going to be Greek tragedy. And not just Greek tragedy,” he predicts. “It will have a domino effect and the whole Europe will be affected. You can’t sacrifice Greece just to save eurozone. Eurozone will either be saved all together or collapsed all together.”

Daily Telegraph - £8BN LOAN FOR GREECE

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Former Prime Minister George Papandreou resigned
Wednesday November 30,2011

By Sara Dixon

THE EU finally agreed to hand over £8billion to Greece last night as part of its £150billion bailout of the beleaguered country.
Without the essential cash injection it is feared the debt-laden nation would default on its massive loans by Christmas pushing it into a potentially catastrophic economic crisis.
The latest tranche of money was withheld until the EU was satisfied Greece would impose the harsh austerity measures needed to cut public spending.
In exchange for the loan Greece’s political leaders had to pledge in writing that they would back the unpopular cuts.
For months the country’s capital Athens has been the scene of rioting as people took to the streets in protest over the cutbacks.
One of the first eurozone countries to face extreme economic difficulties, Greece has been kept afloat by its fellow eurozone nations and the International Monetary Fund since May 2010.
It is now led by a caretaker technocratic government after former Prime Minister George Papandreou resigned and is already under strict EU financial supervision.
Greek Interior Minister Tassos Giannitsis yesterday appealed to Germany to ensure his country was not sidelined in Europe on account of the eurozone debt crisis.
Speaking in Berlin, he said the overwhelming majority of Greeks wanted to remain an integral part of Europe and to keep the euro as their currency.

This all sounds very similar to a mob protection racket! Not only does the EU remove a democratically elected leader, they now seem intent on forcing harsh austerity measures upon the Greek people, this will inevitably lead to violence or & or a revolution. 

Pat Condell - The Gathering Storm

I don't always agree with Mr Condells views, But this time he's hit the nail on the head.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011 - Children to be banned from blowing up balloons, under European Union safety rules

By Andrew Carpenter | Nov 28, 2011

Photo by: ALAMY
Children are to be banned from taking part in traditional Christmas games, from blowing up balloons to blowing on party whistles, because of new EU safety rules that have just entered into force. 

By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels - The Telegraph

The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke. 

Despite having been popular favourites for generations of children, party games including whistles and magnetic fishing games are to be banned because their small parts or chemicals used in making them are decreed to be too risky. 

Apparently harmless toys that children have enjoyed for decades are now regarded by EU regulators as posing an unacceptable safety risk. 

Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a a long coloured paper tongue when sounded – a party favourite at family Christmas meals – are now classed as unsafe for all children under 14. 

The new rules are designed to protect children from the chance that a piece of the whistle could be swallowed and cause choking. 

The EU directive will also force manufacturers and retailers to attach safety warnings to toys hitherto regarded as harmless. 

Official guidance notes: "For latex balloons there must be a warning that children under eight years must be supervised and broken balloons should be discarded." Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent, warned that toy safety bans were part of a trend to micro-manage children's lives at the expense of allowing them to explore, learn and have fun through play. 

"Toys and activities, such as blowing up balloons, are part and parcel of the type of children's play that helps them become independent and self-reliant," he said. 

"These bans diminish the experience, both of having fun and learning, by turning play into a danger zone with rules that stifle life and adventure for children." Under the EU legislation, Britain will have to ensure that toys are not sold in shops unless they fully comply with the new safety requirements. 

As well as new rules for balloons and party whistles, the EU legislation will impose restrictions on how noisy toys, including rattles or musical instruments, are allowed to be. 
All teddie bears meant for children under the age of three will now have to be fully washable because EU regulators are concerned that dirty cuddly toys could spread disease and infection. 

Paul Nuttall, a member of the European Parliament's consumer safety committee, said the "kill joy" world of EU officialdom was being ill-equipped to understand the concept of children having fun. 

"I would say that this is crackers but I sure children are banned from using them too. EU party poopers should not be telling families how to blow up balloons," said the Ukip MEP. 

British toy manufacturers are concerned that the new rules, which include defining colouring books and anything played with by under-14s, could drive up the price of Christmas presents because of the cost of safety tests. 

But the European Commission has insisted that the new safety legislation was needed to prevent "horror stories". 

"These safety standards have been agreed by the UK together with the other EU member states in order to prevent every parent's worst nightmare," said a spokesman. 

Another EU official admitted that the new regulations could be difficult to understand but insisted that safety experts knew best. 

"You might say that small children have been blowing up balloons for generations, but not anymore and they will be safer for it," said an official.

"These safety standards have been agreed by the UK together with the other EU member states in order to prevent every parent's worst nightmare," said a spokesman.  A spokesman for The Signaller said "being taken over by EU loonies is this parents worst nightmare."


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John Bercow was accused of 'squandering' £37,000
Tuesday November 29,2011

By Alison Little

COMMONS Speaker John Bercow was yesterday accused of squandering £37,000 of taxpayers’ cash on an “ego-boosting” portrait – complete with his coat of arms.
The official painting, unveiled last night, joins those of his predecessors going back to Henry VIII’s adviser, Sir Thomas More.

It shows Mr Bercow standing at the Speaker’s chair in the House of Commons talking to MPs.

Created by the Royal College of Arms, his coat of arms includes a ladder, which represents his humble beginnings.

Four discs stand for his love of tennis and his role chairing the Boundary Commissions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The three scimitars of Essex are a reminder of his time as a student there, while his motto “All are equal” is interspersed by pink triangles supposed to stand for his support of gay rights.
The portrait shows John Bercow standing at the Speaker’s chair
Brendan Kelly, from Edinburgh, was paid £22,000 by the Commons for the work, while framing and “heraldic painting” in keeping with the style of previous portraits cost £15,000.

Matthew Sinclair, director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Following the MPs’ expenses scandal, Parliament should be cutting costs not throwing taxpayers’ money away boosting John Bercow’s ego.”

A spokesman for Mr Bercow said: “The portrait remains the property of Parliament and the artist’s fee is agreed through careful negotiation.”

Personally I would have gone for the Matt Groening version to save the tax payers £21,999. All together now Doh!

Monday, 28 November 2011 - Fa-Rage Against the Machine Hits Half a Million

Guido has seen a rather excitable internal UKIP memo that celebrates Farage’s “who do you think you are speech” hitting half a million views. It’s been translated into Greek, Spanish, German and Polish. The email decries the lack of press coverage in this country, but notes abroad, on places likeFox News “Nigel is featured more prominently and in much more heroic light than at home”. The original on English version, plus the foreign combined copies, have been seen by nearly 600,000:
Well on target for Guido’s prediction of a million views. Are they listening yet?

I always been a fan of Guy News, great work Guido!


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Chris Huhne has sparked outrage over Britain's climate aid deal
Monday November 28,2011

By Martyn Brown

FRESH outrage erupted yesterday over the cost of details of the aid package overseas aid after it emerged that Britain is to stump up £1billion to help African countries fight climate change.
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne will spearhead the megadeal that will see taxpayers shelling out for projects to help farmers insure their crops against flooding and drought.

Other schemes include installing solar power in villages and building slurry pits that can produce gas to power generators.

The move will infuriate millions of hard-pressed taxpayers trying to make ends meet. South Africa, the most economically advanced in the continent, is one of the continent, it is one of the countries to receive the handout.

Last year, its economy grew by 2.8 per cent while britain's grew by just 1.8 per cent.

Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom said: It is inconceivable that the Government feels able to spend money on climate change in Africa when its austerity measures at home are causing such pain. If we have the money then we should spend it here.” Mr Huhne is expected to announce details of the aid package ahead of talks at a United Nations summit on climate change in Durban, South Africa, which starts this week.
t is inconceivable that the Government feels able to spend money on climate change in Africa when its austerity measures at home are causing such pain
Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom

The £1billion over the next four years will be taken from the budgets held by the Department of Energy and Climate Change and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The Department for International Development has already collected £362million until 2015.

Ethiopa will get £41million South Africa £13.2million and Rwanda £2million.

As if blowing £50 million a day on the EU wasn't bad enough now there going to give Africa £1 billion to help fight the greenhouse effect global warming climate change.

Friends, let me tell you a little tale about the weather, during the Vietnam war the Americans decided to weaponize the weather, this was called Operation Popeye, rain bearing clouds were seeded, the result, an extension for the monsoon season between 30-45 days! Now a simple question, If we have this technology in our possession why don't we use it to give rain to the drought ridden areas of Africa saving countless lives?

I've yet to be convinced that greenhouse effect global warming climate change is actually a problem, 'climate change denier' I hear you cry, no sir/madame, I am not, I merely believe that it is a natural phenomena & has virtually nothing to do with carbon, those of you that doubt this should seek out where on Earth are the greatest build up of CO2  is you'll be  very surprised to learn that it's not in any city, it's is in fact over a desert.

 Carbon taxes are coming, but it's OK! If you have enough money you can pay to pollute. I think that last statement says it all about the climate change tax club don't you?

Saturday, 26 November 2011


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Ms Hoey’s motion has all-party support
Saturday November 26,2011

By Dan Townend

BRITISH citizens should have their own entry point at airports instead of having to pass through those for EU passengers, a leading MP said last night.
Kate Hoey has urged ministers to introduce separate checkpoints in a bid to slash queue times.
The Labour MP has tabled a motion in Parliament that has received all-party support.
She said: “Many of my constituents tell me how annoying it is to arrive into Heathrow for example and find a long queue waiting to go through the EU and British entry point.
“I agree with those who want to see an entry point specifically for British people returning home.
“Why should we have to queue up with citizens of other countries to get back into our own country? I am sure this would be welcomed widely by the public and would also help reduce delays.”
She added: “This is another ­consequence of being a member of the European Union which was not told to those who voted for the EEC back in 1975. This is a power to ­control our own borders we should take back immediately.”
I agree with those who want to see an entry point specifically for British people returning home
Kate Hoey
The move comes amid the fallout from the borders fiasco after Home Secretary Theresa May came under fire for allowing thousands of ­people to enter the UK without full immigration checks.
The blunder arose after she ­introduced a pilot scheme earlier this year to help ease queues at Britain’s ports and airports.
Brodie Clark, head of the UK ­Border Agency (UKBA), resigned following the debacle. The Home Office has not commented on Ms Hoey’s request.
Passport checks were relaxed nearly 2,500 times at airports this summer, according to leaked UKBA emails.
The damning documents also reveal that thousands of passengers on private aircraft did not face ­passport checks at all and were not screened against the terrorist watch list. Official figures show that ­2.2million British and EU nationals and more than 300,000 non-EU ­citizens enter the UK every week over the summer. Between 80,000 and 90,000 private flights, mostly carrying two or three passengers, arrive every year. Some 5,000 posts at the UKBA are due to go by 2015 as part of wider cost-­saving measures.
The pilot scheme to reduce ­passport checks on some citizens of EU countries was used at 28 ports and airports.
In response to written questions, Mrs May also disclosed that more than 10 million people entered the UK in August when the pilot scheme was operating.
The ports and airports at which the authorised pilot was used included Heathrow, Gatwick, ­Calais, Glasgow, Harwich, Manchester, ­Aberdeen and Cardiff.

Kate Hoey being one of the 19 labour MPs that voted against labours three line party whip on the referendum, keep up the good work! join UKIP!!